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Black Widow cosplay: Marvel fans suit up
These Black Widow cosplayers would make Scarlett Johansson proud.

The Black Widow solo movie is finally here, and we can’t contain our excitement for our first female Avenger in the MCU. This movie is well deserved and long-awaited! The Black Widow< film premieres July 9th on both Disney+ and in Theaters.
After the movie was postponed from May 1st, 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, fans are ready to see this heroine in action. Along with the infamous Scarlett Johansson returning to her role, the star-studded cast includes David Harbour, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, and O-T Fagbenle.

Taking place between Civil War and Infinity War, audiences will get to experience the adventures of Natasha Romanoff and learn a bit more of her backstory. We are also hoping to see a Hawkeye cameo flashback to find out what really happened in Budapest.
With intense action sequences and a thrilling plot, this film will conclude the quests of Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow. After eight years of playing one of the most badass characters in history, Johanson says goodbye for a second time. No one will ever forget her death scene in Avengers: Endgame.

As one door closes, another door opens. Fans have speculated that Black Widow’s younger sister Yelena Belova, played by Florence Pugh, will reprise the role in perhaps a Young Avengers storyline. Whatever the future may be, we are grateful to have the original Black Widow grace our screens one last time. In celebration of the finale for Scarlett Johansson, we interviewed ten dedicated cosplayers who do justice to cosplaying the great Black Widow.

Did you think this was a promo image for Black Widow, because we did too! Blackwidowcos might be Scarlett Johansson's long lost twin! Okay, maybe they aren’t related, but Blackwidowcos has cosplayed several looks of the Avenger. Her super suits are from LikingCosplay and Cosmanles and her accessories are all 3D printed by her friend Jessica.
Back in 2019, Blackwidowcos was recognized for her incredible cosplay of the Superhero when she was invited to Disney Springs red carpet event for the Avengers: Endgame premiere in Orlando, Florida. Her once-in-a-lifetime experience introduced the cosplayer to more Marvel fans than she had ever met before.
This dedicated cosplayer has cosplayed a suit or outfit from every single movie that Black Widow has been featured in since Iron Man 2. We asked Blackwidowcos why she cosplays this character as much as she does, and this was her response: “I cosplay Black Widow because she is such a strong female role model to me. I feel like so many of us have really grown with Natasha over the last 11 years. She is brave and fights alongside demigods and super soldiers and holds her own. She shows us that we can be incredible, even if we are only human and we make mistakes. She has been through so much, and still she learns and grows through her struggles making the ultimate sacrifice in the end.”

_Dippedngold is striking with her power pose and cosplay of Black Widow so much so that we may need to be brought to life since she is killing it. She built both the batons and bracelets based on an article she found with information on the history of the accessories.
The batons were made from foam inserts from diamond painting and a cut up pool noodle. _Dippedngold spray painted them black and hand painted the turquoise. She used a couple items from Amazon for Black Widow’s Bite and then spray painted them red, black, and blue. Her firearm is actually a toy bought off of Amazon and spray painted black. As for the suit, the Black Widow and SHIELD emblems are a post-shoot-edit from the photographer, Ishotwithpanda.
When _Dippedngold was asked why she cosplayed as Black Widow she told us that she not only felt badass wearing the cosplay but that it’s definitely going to be her Halloween costume this year. She also said, “ I chose to cosplay as Black Widow because she’s such a badass woman. Avengers: Age of Ultron was my inspiration. the way she showed up and showed out was amazing, not to mention the upgrades to the bracelets “Black Widow’s Bite” and the taser batons!”

We’ve all been waiting for this movie to debut, but some cosplayers have more than others. That list includes Instagram and Tik Tok star Naomibarr_ who purchased her Black Widow suit from Simcosplay in 2020. Even though Naomibarr_ looks stunning in the suit, she sadly can’t wear it to the theatres. Why, you might ask? Well, it’s because the cosplayer is pregnant and expecting her second born on the 18th of July! We’re sending good vibes to Naomibarr_ and her soon-to-be bundle of joy.
This cosplayer has gained recognition from Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, and the television series Seinfield for her hilarious videos and witty content. She’s also teamed up with several creators during the “Pass the Brush Challenge” trend to transform into Avatar: The Last Airbender characters, with Naomibarr’s cosplay being Aang.
But the talent doesn’t stop there. In one of her IGTV videos, Naomibarr_ demonstrates her versatility of impressions by manipulating her voice to sound like some of her favorite characters. The most notable impressions from the video, in our opinion, were her Harley Quinn, Ezma, and Mulan portrayals.

Little.wolff looks epic as Black Widow in her Avengers: Infinity War cosplay as she takes a knee into a superhero pose. Since her start in 2018, Little.wolff has vowed to take on every Black Widow costume into her cosplay collection. During her journey to do so, she met Captain America cosplayer (jprcosplay), who definitely encouraged her to stay on track.
Since their meeting, the couple has done several team-ups, but our favorite has to be their Captain America and Black Widow team-up. This Infinity War cosplay was a purchase from FairytaleLand with an addition of a few upgrades. Little.wolff tailored the suit and vest to her size, hand-dyed the vest, cut and styled the wig, added LED lights to the gauntlets, created the baton holder on her back out of foam and created her batons out of bicycle handles and piping from a hardware store. Absolutely crafty as well as brilliant!
Because of how incredible her cosplay is, Little.wolff was featured as Black Widow in a music video for The Middlenight Men! The music video is a cosplay-fueled rock masterpiece that you’ve got to check out. It’s a bit ambitious to want to cosplay all the different versions of Black Widow, but Little.wolff is determined to do so.
Here's her reason for cosplaying Black Widow: “I have always loved Black Widow. She is such a sassy, strong, independent character. Cosplaying as Black Widow fills me with the confident 'I can take on the world' energy that always radiates from her, which I sometimes forget I have inside of me too! She has such incredible relationships with so many other characters in the MCU, which is why cosplaying as Black Widow at comic con is always so much fun! It means you instantly bond with all the other MCU cosplayers and then spend hours recreating your favorite iconic scenes together for a shoot!”

Didn’t realize this was a side-by-side of a cosplayer vs. character until we saw the tags because that’s just how incredibly uncanny Blackwidow.cosplay looks compared to Scarlett Johansson. As a proud natural red-head and Russian, Blackwidow.cosplay has more in common with the character than she leads on. With as many versions of the cosplay that Blackwidow.cosplay has worn over the years, she has a new favorite suit coming in from Simcosplay.
As an avid Black Widow fan who has not only seen every MCU film but has read plenty of Black Widow comics, Blackwidow.cosplay says she relates to the character on a personal level. Her direct quote was, “I faced a lot of challenges growing up that I could relate to her character. I saw how strong she was in overcoming any challenge she may have faced. It gave me courage, and putting on her suit and becoming that character for a little while just amplifies my own strength. She has been my muse for so long and positively affected me in my real life and career.”

Her costume of Black Widow, pictured above, was mostly bought off Amazon; Kyso_lo has noted that the suit is not so fun to wear. She mentioned to us how warm the suit gets and how she often wonders how Black Widow can even fight in it. Girl, we feel you. We are so grateful for her newest suit not having platform heels because let's be honest, fighting in heels is unrealistic. Kyso_lo exclusively told us why she cosplays as Black Widow saying, “I cosplay Black Widow because Natasha Romanoff was such an interesting character, that I vividly remember rewatching Iron Man 2 just to see her scenes, and she really got me into the comic side of Marvel.”

Twitch affiliate and content creator Olliecosplays completely slays Black Widow’s white suit. This cosplay is from Simcosplay and will shortly be accompanied by new prop weapons made from this cosplayer himself. Aside from this cosplay variant of Black Widow, Olliecosplays sports the first Avengers suit too. He first wore the cosplay to the California Convention, WonderCon, where he met several other gender-bent Avenger cosplayers and fans who appreciated the cosplay more than he thought they would.
We asked Olliecosplays why he cosplays Black Widow, and this was his response, “Black Widow is the first character I saw growing up that I really wanted to cosplay. Seeing Natasha in the comics and onscreen, embodying intelligence, strength, and femininity really inspired me as a fan and continues to inspire me to this day. So when I first wore her to a con and received positive feedback, it was at that moment where I felt validated as a cosplayer, and it prompted me to continue doing it.”
Other characters Olliecosplays has cosplayed include Gwenpool, Harley Quinn, and Spider-Man.

Watchout! Phreshxbear is on the move and looking totally badass as she does so. Phreshxbear dabbles in many different forms of media when it comes to cosplay. She dabbles in Marvel and DC as well as Anime and videogames. Her more well known cosplays include Red Hood from DC Comics, Thranduil from Lord of the Rings, and 2B from Nier Automata. Essentially Phreshxbear has range!
Her Black Widow cosplay is a purchase off of Amazon from the cosplay.fm brand. She told us it's a pretty good brand because this is the first bodysuit she hasn’t ripped yet. Phreshxbear first donned the suit with a cosplay group of Marvel women at Keystone Comic Con in 2019. Herself as Black Widow, and friends @cosmic_sea_turtle as Scarlet Witch and @knightshade94 as Captain Marvel ruled the con and made several Marvel friends while doing so.
We asked Phreshxbear why she thought of cosplaying as Black Widow and she said, “I chose to cosplay as Black Widow because she is so skilled while also being a normal human woman. It's cool to see superheroes with super powers, but something about her being a superhero and, for the most part normal, makes her inspiring!”

Graciethecosplaylass is a vision straight out of the comic books! Her bodysuit is entirely handmade, and her red hair is all-natural. The gauntlets and belt are commissioned pieces from Jlfxstudios, and her boots are bought off of Amazon.
When Gracieethecosplaylass isn’t making new incredible cosplay creations like her gala look of Mystique, she’s building impressive cakes. Her cakes are not just tasty but really beautiful. They’ve gained recognition on Twitter from Taco Bell and Zack Snyder. One of her cakes was even featured on an episode of This Is Us.
Aside from baking and costume making, Graciethecosplaylass is a proud mom of three kiddos who also cosplay! She truly is a super mom. Believe it or not, this is Graciethecosplaylass’s second suit recreation of the comic version. She wanted to improve the suit before making her appearance on the Black Widow red carpet on June 29th of 2021.
Graciethecosplaylass told us why she chose to cosplay Black Widow; she said, “I love to cosplay red-headed characters. Being a redhead myself, it’s easier not to have to wear a wig, lol. Also, since I was a little ginger girl, I really looked up to badass, strong female superheroes that I could aspire to be like.”
Captain Kaycee Cosplay

Captain Kaycee Cosplay looks electric as Black Widow which may have to do with how her batons deliver powerful, electrical shocks to incapacitate her targets. Kidding! Captain Kaycee's batons may not actually shock you since they are props made by dk_propshop, but the edit on this image makes them truly glow! The suit is from simcosplay that Captainkayceecosplay altered to better fit her physique.
You may recognize this Black Widow cosplayer from the time she went viral for how legit her cosplay looked. You can read all about the pros and cons of going viral here. Part of what makes Captain Kaycee such an incredible cosplayer is her ingenuity of how she creates art. When she isn’t sewing her cosplays, she’s modifying the ones she purchases to look as screen accurate as possible. Plus, she takes a majority of her own pictures and edits them as well. They look professional because she is, well, a professional.
When Captainkayceecosplay isn’t working on her next costume, she’s working on Cosplay Central’s site as the Editor and Chief. Or, She’s enjoying the company of her sweetest companion, Piper, who is a cavapoo meaning she’s half poodle and half cavalier.

Black Widow Premieres on Disney+ and in Theatres on July 9th 2021.
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