New & upcoming comics, manga, comic books, and graphic novels from Marvel, VIZ, DC, and more
All of the upcoming comics that we think you should keep an eye out for
June 11, 2024
Chris Arrant
SDCC 2023: Learn the story behind San Diego Comic Con with Mathew Klickstein's oral history
The man behind See You at San Diego talks about the interviews, people, and stories behind the exhaustive new book
April 08, 2024
Graeme McMillan
Skyfall's Sam Mendes was once in talks to adapt My Favorite Thing is Monsters
The 1917 director's oeuvre shows that he's interested in form, so maybe he'd be a good choice
March 20, 2024
Tiffany Babb
Six best romantic comics for Valentine's Day
From Fruits Basket and Heartstopper through to... Jack Kirby's Fourth World Saga(?), here are comics' great romances
February 08, 2024
Graeme McMillan
Black Hole creator Charles Burns is creating 80 new comics (but is leaving the story up your imagination)
Charles Burns' new book imagines comics that never were
November 07, 2023
Tiffany Babb
Finally, the My Favorite Thing is Monsters sequel has a release date
Yes, My Favorite Thing is Monsters Book 2 is on its way
July 19, 2023
Tiffany Babb
The Eisner Awards have removed Thomas Woodruff's four nominations from consideration at his request
After two weeks of uproar surrounding the multiple nomminations for a controversial comic (and its author), the organizers of the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards have agreed to remove the nominations.
May 28, 2023
Chris Arrant
Inside the Eisner Awards process for Thomas Woodruff: What happened, what went awry, and what could be changed
Thomas Woodruff and the Eisner Awards controversy, from the point-of-view of an Eisner Awards insider
May 28, 2023
Chris Arrant
Eisner Awards: Thomas Woodruff withdraws his name from consideration for the 2023 awards
The creator of Francis Rothbart has been widely criticized for past professional behavior
May 27, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Thomas Woodruff: The artist and his publisher respond to calls to axe his Eisner noms following emotional abuse allegations
As emotional abuse allegations continue to appear, the publisher and creator of Francis Rothbart attempt to head off criticism
May 24, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Briana Loewinsohn’s debut graphic memoir Ephemera explores the “hazy days of early childhood”
Take a glimpse into Briana Loewinsohn's debut
March 30, 2023
Tiffany Babb
Disney is blocking the re-release of some of Scrooge McDuck's origin stories, says creator Don Rosa
Classic Disney material might fall out of circulation as a result of the move
February 22, 2023
Graeme McMillan
The winners for the 2023 Angoulême Comics Festival Awards are...
Europe's premiere comics festival hosts its annual awards this January; see who's won the plaudits
January 27, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Fantagraphics signs with LibraryPass for digital comics in school libraries
The new distribution deal will make digital versions of titles like Monsters and Love & Rockets available in schools and libraries
November 08, 2022
Graeme McMillan
The Hernandez Brothers reflect on 40 years of defining (and redefining) independent comic books
"We helped paved the way for the independent scene in comics which is an alternative to the superhero market,” Gilbert Hernandez says
September 06, 2022
Ashley V. Robinson
"Everybody hates something" Peter Bagge describes how he named his classic alternative comic
A look inside the 30 Years of Hate panel at Emerald City Comic Con
August 22, 2022
Tiffany Babb
Bong Redila highlights the human aspect of a fantasy world in Mëlag
Bong Redila on his comic journey and the universal appeal of his Filipino komik, Mëlag.
June 01, 2022
Gary Catig