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Free Comic Book Day 2025 Spotlight

Free Comic Book Day's owners have filed for bankruptcy, but they're going ahead with 2025's event (despite losing money each year)
Diamond is the main company behind Free Comic Book Day - but what happens if it goes bankrupt? They're hoping nothing.
Chris Arrant

Free Comic Book Day 2025: When, where, and what DC, Marvel, and other comics to expect from next year's event
It's a year away, but it's not too early to plan for 2025's Free Comic Book Day event
Graeme McMillan
Free Comic Book Day 2025 Feed

Free Comic Book Day's owners have filed for bankruptcy, but they're going ahead with 2025's event (despite losing money each year)
Diamond is the main company behind Free Comic Book Day - but what happens if it goes bankrupt? They're hoping nothing.
Chris Arrant

Free Comic Book Day 2025: When, where, and what DC, Marvel, and other comics to expect from next year's event
It's a year away, but it's not too early to plan for 2025's Free Comic Book Day event
Graeme McMillan