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Where to wee at NYCC: Popverse's guide to the best bathrooms at the Javits Center

Nature calls even in the hallowed halls of New York Comic Con; don't let is get in the way of having the full con experience. And whatever you do, STAY AWAY from the bathrooms outside Artist Alley

Image credit: ReedPop

Don't miss New York Comic Con 2024, happening October 17 through 20. Popverse will be there all four days, immersing ourselves in the pop culture party full of vendors, events, and celebrities from the worlds of comics, movies, TV, gaming, and more. Buy tickets now!

Alright let's just get right the hell into this because if you've Googled "Bathrooms at the Javits Center," odds are you don't have much time. What Popverse has done here is compile a list of the Best Bathrooms at the Javits Center for New York Comic Con 2024 (ranked by a four-star system) and provided some descriptions of how you're going to get there. I've also included some handy maps; check out the Popverse purple arrows for help locating your next scene of relief.

Godspeed, my friend.

★ - The Show Floor Bathrooms

Image credit: ReedPop

Located on the third floor of the Javits Center are probably the most convenient of bathrooms, but don't be fooled. From the moment the show opens to the moment it closes every day, the lines for these particular bathrooms will be a long one. But what do you expect? They surround the absolute busiest hub of the Javits no matter the convention. Even if your situation is an emergency, we'd recommend looking elsewhere.

★½ - The Bathrooms off the First Floor Escalators

Image credit: ReedPop

Ever so slightly better than the bathrooms on the Show Floor are the bathrooms outside Artists' Alley, but to reiterate, they are the bathrooms outside Artists' Alley. This means that all the crowds who have been walking up and down those aisles, waiting in line for a signature or to pick up some NYCC-exclusive products, are going to be seeking these out when their boba tea strikes back. Again, these bathrooms get points for convenience (there's one on either side of every escalator), but at what cost? 

★★ - The Second Floor Bathrooms

Image credit: ReedPop

The bathrooms on the second floor pretty much reflect the general hustle of the convention. So if you're at the Javits Center in the earliest or latest part of the day, they might be only slightly busy, but if you're there mid-day during the height of the crowds, expect them to be flooded. As a quick note, there are two bathrooms on this floor designated for women, as opposed to only one for men; something keep in mind as you trek down to Floor 2. 

★★½ - The River Pavilion Bathrooms

Image credit: ReedPop

Make your way past Cosplay Central and you'll find one men's and one women's room at the end of the River Pavilion. What's nice about these bathrooms is their distance from the main hubs of the Show Floor and Artists' Alley, but the downside is that they're relatively small, almost single-person uses. The line, therefore might be a little long, but it should move quickly.

★★★ - The Secret First Floor Bathrooms

Alright, so these bathrooms aren't actually "secret," but we've found they're visited just a little less often than their fellows on Floor 1, which makes all the difference if you've got the need for speed. These bathrooms are actually right outside the show's Main Stage, located near rooms 1D03 and 1D06.

Don't ask me how the Main Stage bathrooms can some of the least busy - maybe people are just so excited to get to the next event, or maybe they just stay in the Main Stage all day. Is that allowed?

★★★★ - The Pavilion Bathrooms

Image credit: ReedPop

Finally we come to it, the bathroom you've been on your tiptoes doing a little dance to find out about. Unfortunately, as you might guess from the rest of these, this bathroom is about as far from the main hubs of the con as you can get - accessible by climbing the tall escalators at the very north end of the third floor, then walking south on Floor 4, then hanging a right at one of two turns. Yes, your legs may be angry with you by the time you come to these clean, relatively empty bathrooms, but your bladder's praise will make up for it.

Looking for All Gender restrooms at the Javits Center?

Before we leave you, we did want to touch on one more thing you might be thinking if you've Googled "Bathrooms at the Javits," that being the All Gender bathrooms the Javits Center provides. There are four All Gender bathrooms in the convention center, the first two of which are located on the Show Floor, as indicated below:

Image credit: ReedPop

And if you want to avoid the bustle of that floor, you can head to the other pair on the first floor, as indicated here:

Image credit: ReedPop

Happy Comic Con-ing, New York. Let us know if you need someplace to eat while you're here.


About New York Comic Con

Welcome home, hero. This is your event where you can feel unafraid to geek out. Where you’re accepted and embraced for being yourself, regardless of your cultural background, physical ability, personal identity, or self-expression. Where you can experience the best in pop culture, be inspired, get star struck, treat yourself, and create all of those memories with the people you care about the most.




Jacob Javits Convention Center

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Grant DeArmitt

Grant DeArmitt: Grant DeArmitt (he/him) likes horror, comics, and the unholy union of the two. As Popverse's Staff Writer, he criss-crosses the pop culture landscape bringing you the news and opinions about the big things (and the next big things). In the past, and despite their better judgment, he has written for Nightmare on Film Street and Newsarama. He lives in Brooklyn with his partner, Kingsley, and corgi, Legs.


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