Chip Zdarsky
Batman's Chip Zdarsky solves the America/Canada tensions with a new comic about robot love in the White House (Well, almost)
White House Robot Romance sees Zdarsky team with artist Rachael Stott to tell an old-fashioned love story that just so happens to be about robots while the US and Canada head towards war, as one does
March 13, 2025
Graeme McMillan
Chip Zdarsky, a massive Popverse Con-versation
We interviewed Chip at C2E2 for a wide-ranging conversation about all his comics!
June 25, 2024
Dave Buesing
How Marvel changed Avengers: Twilight to avoid comparisons to the January 6 attacks (even though it was written a year before)
Marvel writer Chip Zdarsky talks about plans for Avengers: Twilight and how it pre-saged the January 6 attacks
June 24, 2024
Chris Arrant
Spoilers!Avengers: Twilight ending explained: Inside the conclusion of Marvel’s answer to The Dark Knight Returns
How does Avengers: Twilight end and what does it mean for the future of the Marvel Universe?
May 29, 2024
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
Confused about Joker's new origin in Joker: Year One and how it connects to Three Jokers? Batman writer Chip Zdarsky explains it all
Who are the 3 Jokers, and how to you tell which is which? The Batman writer has the answers
May 21, 2024
Chris Arrant
Meet Marvel's original first choice to write Ultimate Spider-Man: Chip Zdarsky
Chip Zdarsky explains how and why he said no to Ultimate Spider-Man, and why he likes Jonathan Hickman's version better
May 14, 2024
Chris Arrant
Batman writer Chip Zdarsky shares his unlikely story of breaking into the comic book industry
It's one thing to be a good writer; it's another to be in the right place to take advantage of a hit movie
April 22, 2024
Graeme McMillan
Is Joker: Year One his new origin story? DC says yes, the writer says no, but we say it may be what he deserves
The three-part weekly storyline launches in next week's Batman comic
January 31, 2024
Graeme McMillan
Spoilers!Marvel's Captain America gets the Batman: Dark Knight Returns treatment with Avengers: Twilight
Avengers: Twilight is Marvel’s version of The Dark Knight Returns, featuring an aged Captain America fighting in a dystopian future.
January 31, 2024
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
Spoilers!DC have created the ultimate new Batman (and Bruce Wayne has some problems with it)
DC's Trinity of Evil will have a Dark(er) Knight of its very own after the events of Batman #140 this week
December 05, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Chip Zdarsky's The All-Nighter is coming back for one last bite at the big time
Zdarsky and Jason Loo's vampire diner drama returns at ComiXology Originals on Halloween
October 13, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Batman vs. Catwoman: Whose side are you on? Inside the DC crossover event Gotham War
It's Bat versus Cat, starting this fall in Gotham War
August 28, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Spoilers!Marvel Comics' Daredevil ending explained: Inside the finale of Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto's run
Chip Zdarsky’s four year run on Daredevil has come to an end. Where does that leave the Man Without Fear?
August 16, 2023
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
Chip Zdarsky launches CHIPCLASS to share everything he knows about comics
What can you learn from the writer of Daredevil and Batman? You'd be surprised (maybe)
July 28, 2023
Graeme McMillan
DC’s Latest Batman era kicks off with a shocking death... or does it?
As Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez take the helm on Batman, they kick off their run with a major death. However, things may not quite be all that they appear
July 06, 2022
Sam Stone