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Star Wars: a guide to the Jedi survivors of Order 66 and where they are now
Not every Jedi perished after Order 66 in Star Wars, here's a list of the ones who made it out

In Part III of Obi-Wan Kenobi, we saw Ben encounter a new source of hope in a darkened Galaxy: an intergalactic underground railroad smuggling Force Sensitives out of Imperial-controlled space known as “The Path.” Along that Path, Ben found the name of his old friend Quinlan Vos, long thought lost during the ruination of the Jedi during the infamous Order 66. Which has us wondering: who else do we know who might have found a place along that path? Who survived the initial great Jedi Purge – and how long was it before Imperial forces caught up with them? While there may still be more out there, here’s what we know about the survivors of Order 66.
Kirak Infil’a

Rank: Master
Species: Human
Fallen: 19 BBY, Darth Vader #4 (2017)
Cause of Death: Darth Vader
The 2017 Darth Vader comic series written by Charles Soule focuses on Darth Vader hunting the last straggling members of the Jedi Order after the initial purge. The first of his targets is Kirak Infil’a, a skilled fighter who severed himself from the Jedi years before Order 66. Vader tracked Infil’a to the river moon of Al’doleem and snapped his neck with The Force.
Jocasta Nu

Rank: Master
Species: Human
Fallen: 19 BBY, Darth Vader #10 (2018)
Cause of Death: Darth Vader
Everyone’s favorite smug librarian, Jocasta Nu managed to evade the initial razing of the Jedi Temple and preserve crucial information for future generations of Jedi. Vader hunted Jocasta to secure her database of Force-sensitive children, but not before the former High Council member leaked Vader’s true identity to his entire retinue of Storm Troopers – forcing him to kill them as well to preserve his secret.
Ferren Barr

Rank: Padawan
Species: Iktotchi
Fallen: 18 BBY, Darth Vader #17 (2018)
Cause of Death: Darth Vader
This crafty Iktochi Padawan escaped the clutches of the Empire to gain an advisory position with King Lee-Char of the Mon Calamari, slowly building a plan of his own to overthrow Palpatine’s government. Barr fell to Vader’s lightsaber before his plans could be realized, but his own Force sensitive apprentice Verla would go on to advise Luke Skywalker many years later.
Luminara Unduli

Rank: Master
Species: Mirialan
Fallen: c. 18 BBY, Star Wars Rebels, “Rise of the Old Masters” (2014)
Cause of Death: Grand Inquisitor
One of the greatest Jedi heroes of the Clone Wars, Luminara was killed early in the Empire’s rule by the Grand Inquisitor – but her death was kept a secret as a means to lure Jedi in hiding into searching for her. Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger fall for this gambit in the television series Star Wars: Rebels, causing them to encounter The Inquisitor for the first time.
Eeth Koth

Rank: Master
Species: Iridonian Zabrak
Fallen: c. 14 BBY, Darth Vader #19 (2018)
Cause of Death: Darth Vader
This Iridonian Jedi Master and former High Councilor was an active participant in most of the Clone Wars, but was mysteriously absent from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The Star Wars comics explain this by revealing that shortly before the end of the war, Master Koth cut ties with the Jedi to start a new life and raise a family of his own. Despite Koth's disavowal of the Jedi, Vader hunted Koth as he did any other survivor.
Taron Malicos
Rank: Master
Species: Human
Fallen: 14 BBY, Jedi: Fallen Order (2019)
Cause of Death: Nightsister Merrin
Former Jedi Master Taron Malicos escaped the Jedi Purge by cloaking himself in darkness on the planet Dathomir. Driven to the Dark Side, Malicos took control of the Dathomirian Nightbrothers by slaying their leader, and twisted the last of the Nightsisters, Merrin, into teaching him mastery of Dathomirian Dark Side techniques. When the former Padawan Cal Kestis exposed Taron’s true nature to Merrin in the video game Jedi: Fallen Order, Merrin joined forces with Cal against the Dark Jedi, burying him in an ancient tomb.
Trilla Suduri

Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Fallen: 14 BBY, Jedi: Fallen Order (2019)
Cause of Death: Darth Vader
Former Padawan to Cere Junda, Trilla was captured by the Empire and converted into becoming the Second Sister of the Inquisitorius. But after chasing Cal Kestis across the Galaxy in Fallen Order, Trilla nearly returns to the light before she’s run through by the crimson blade of Darth Vader. We’re frankly still not over it.
Rank: Unknown
Species: Human
Fallen: 9 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, “Part I”
Cause of Death: Inquisitors
The luckless Nari is the first victim to the Inquisitors as the Obi-Wan Kenobi series began, after the Grand Inquisitor, Third Sister, and Fifth Brother track him to Tatooine. After a decade of evading Imperial forces, Nari’s downfall was in tracking Obi-Wan down to seek his help – and received nothing but fate catching up with him for his trouble. What could Ben do? He was on a more important mission.
The Grand Inquisitor

Rank: Temple Guard
Species: Pau’an
Fallen: 4 BBY, Star Wars Rebels, “Fire Across the Galaxy” (2015)
Cause of Death: Kanan Jarrus
Little is known about the Grand Inquisitor’s past, except that he was once a Temple Guard in the Jedi Order before he was recruited to lead the Inquisitorius. To date, we’ve seen the Grand Inquisitor “die” three times: first, to the Third Sister, Reva, in Obi-Wan Kenobi. (He presumably recovers.) Second, in battle with Kanan Jarrus, at the end of the first season of Star Wars: Rebels. And third, in the current ongoing Darth Vader series, as a spirit doomed by the Sith to forever protect their secrets from Jedi like Luke Skywalker. As the Inquisitor bemoans, there are fates much worse than death.
Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister
Rank: Unknown, Mirialan
Species: Unknown
Fallen: 3 BBY, Star Wars Rebels, “Twilight of the Apprentice”
Cause of Death: Darth Maul
Like many Inqusitiors- perhaps all, we don’t know yet- the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister were once members of the Jedi Order, now recruited to hunt their former colleagues down. After the fall of the Grand Inquisitor in Star Wars: Rebels, the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister take his place in tracking down the renegade Kanan Jarrus and his apprentice Ezra Bridger. They meet their ends at the conclusion of the second season, running afoul of the fallen Darth Maul’s double-bladed saber on the planet Malachor.
Caleb Dume
Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Fallen: 0 BBY, Star Wars Rebels, “Jedi Night” (2015)
Cause of Death: Governor Pryce
Jedi Master Depa Billaba’s Padawan Caleb Dume narrowly escaped Order 66, wandering the Galaxy for years under an assumed name: Kanan Jarrus. Eventually, Kanan gets entangled in the burgeoning Rebel Alliance, fosters a romance with ace pilot Hera Syndulla, and takes on his own Force sensitive apprentice from the planet Lothal: Ezra Bridger. In the final episodes of Star Wars: Rebels, Kanan sacrifices his life to save his chosen family from an attack by Lothal’s Imperial Governor Pryce. Ezra, Hera, and the rest of Kanan’s crew go on to liberate Lothal from the Empire, ensuring his sacrifice was not in vain.
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Rank: Master
Species: Human
Fallen: 0 BBY, Star Wars (1977)
Cause of Death: Darth Vader
Obi-Wan Kenobi might have been the last Jedi to ever fall to the Empire, in a final confrontation with Darth Vader aboard the Death Star – buying Luke Skywalker, the Galaxy’s last hope, the seconds he needed to restore balance to The Force. The missing chapters in Kenobi’s life between the Empire’s rise and fall are still being told.
Zubain Ankonori, Mususiel, Khandra, Nuhj
Rank: Unknown
Species: Various
Fallen: Before 5 ABY, Uprising (2015)
Cause of Death: Inquisitor
In 2015, there was a mobile game called Star Wars: Uprising, which you can’t play anymore because the servers are down. But the events, sparse as they are, are still considered canon. In the game’s backstory, some Jedi are shown to have been hunted down by unknown Inquisitors, and these are their names. We present them here for the sake of completionism.

Rank: Grand Master
Species: Unknown
Fallen: 4 ABY, Return of the Jedi (1983)
Hiding on the life-rich planet of Dagobah, the Jedi Grand Master managed to stay out of the Empire’s sights until the end of his days, providing counsel to Luke Skywalker in his final hours which would lead him to take on the Emperor. When 900 years old you reach, look this good, you will not.
Naq Med
Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Fallen: c. 32 ABY, Force Collector (2019)
Naq Med is a former Padawan who ran from the Empire so hard that he didn’t even learn that there wasn’t even an Empire anymore until 25 years after the fact. In the novel Force Collector, Naq is informed by his spacefaring great-grandson that the war is long over, and he can rest easy knowing that he had protected his family.
Coleman Kcaj, Oppo Rancisis
Rank: Master
Species: Ongree, Thisspiasian
Among the least-human passing of the Jedi High Council, Kcaj and Rancisis are the two Masters whose ultimate fate still remains unknown. While Coleman was one of the last Masters to join the Council right before Episode III, Rancisis had been serving the Council alongside Master Yoda since at least the High Republic era 200 years prior to The Phantom Menace. In the 2017 Darth Vader comic series, both Kcaj and Rancisis are still listed by the Empire as at large. They haven’t been seen since.
Selrach Eluos, Ka-Moon Kohli
Rank: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Selrach Eluos and Ka-Moon Kohli are two more Jedi listed along with Kcaj and Rancisis as priority targets for the Inquisitorius. Similarity in their names to comic creators Charles Soule and Giuseppe Camuncoli are probably just a coincidence.
Quinlan Vos

Rank: Master
Species: Kiffar
A fan-favorite Jedi of comics and novels through the years, Quinlan Vos was once rumored to survive the Jedi Purge through a fall and redemption from the Dark Side. But since Disney’s decanonization of former material which included Quinlan, his current fate has remained a question since 2014. That is, until Part III of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+, when Ben discovers his old friend may yet still live.
Rank: Master
Species: Unknown
Not too much is known about Master Uvell. But in the short story The End of History, Uvell entrusts many Jedi artifacts to antiques dealer Antron Bach to keep them away from the Empire. Uvell’s ultimate fate remains unknown.
Cere Junda
Rank: Knight
Species: Human
After failing to protect her Padawan from the Inquisitorius, the Jedi Knight Cere Junda severed her own connection to The Force. But 5 years after the fall of the Jedi, Junda joined with Padawan Cal Kestis aboard the Stinger Mantis to save any remaining Force sensitive children she could from the Empire’s clutches. Cere Junda will most likely return in the next game of the Star Wars: Jedi series.
Cal Kestis

Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Protagonist of Jedi: Fallen Order, Cal Kestis evaded Order 66 as a salvager on the planet Bracca until the Inquisitorius caught up with him 5 years later. Now, Cal travels the galaxy on the Stinger Mantis on a new mission to save Force sensitives suspiciously similar to The Path described in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Could there be a connection…?
Ninth Sister

Rank: Unknown
Species: Dowutin
Cal Kestis battled the imposing Ninth Sister on the planet Kashyyyk in Star Wars: Fallen Order but didn’t finish her off. We suspect we haven’t seen the last of her.

Rank: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Y’all know Grogu. He’s Baby Yoda. Theories abound, but just how this highly merchandisable kid survived the Purge is still a matter of speculation. Five years after the fall of the Empire, Grogu is in the care of The Mandalorian Din Djarin.
Ahsoka Tano

Rank: Padawan
Species: Togruta
Fans across the world have grown to love Anakin’s former Padawan from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. How did she survive the Purge? Well… it’s a long story. You’ll have to watch The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels, for a complete answer. From being a canonical anomaly to becoming one of the Galaxy’s brightest stars, Ahsoka will have her own series coming to Disney+ next year.

Rank: Youngling
Species: Wookiee
In Season 5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, we’re introduced to an adorable collective of Jedi Younglings who earn their Lightsaber crystals and get involved in a series of memorable scrapes with their temporary minder Ahsoka Tano. The heartbreaking reality, of course, was that these kids were inevitably doomed by the ever-approaching Order 66. And yet, in the trailer for Season 2 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, one of those Younglings appears alive and well: Gungi, the Wookiee Jedi. Perhaps if he’s made it, hope remains alive for his friends…? We’ll have to find out this September when The Bad Batch returns.
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