Andrew Scott discusses the magic of cosplay and how it's similar to acting
“It’s a uniquely human thing to want to dress up in someone else’s clothes,” Andrew Scott says
January 05, 2024
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
Mandalorian cosplayer Does an epic cosplay photoshoot with Grogu
This cosplayer turns the Child into a Mandalorian and has a full father-son moment in an adorable photoshoot.
March 24, 2023
Kelsey Endter
Baby Yoda: How to build Grogu's Pod from Star Wars' The Mandalorian
SKS Props made the pram pod The Child uses in the hit Star Wars show.
March 24, 2023
Kelsey Endter
Streaming VideoWatch MCM's Yaya Han - Beyond Social Media: Long Term Success in Cosplay panel live
Cosplay mainstay Yaya Han heads to London to talk about what it takes to make it in cosplay in today’s ever-shifting digital landscape.
October 28, 2022
Grant DeArmitt