Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle championed BIPOC coming-of-age stories in DC Comics
Before Blue Beetle broke new ground in Hollywood history, he blazed a very similar trail in DC Comics with his own unique coming-of-age story.
September 18, 2023
Jules Chin Greene
Blue Beetle beats Barbie, but that's not the full story on the DC superhero's opening weekend
Jaime Reyes underperformed in its first weekend, continuing DC's streak of bad luck at the box office
August 21, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Spoilers!DC’s Blue Beetle ending explained
Everything you need to know about the ending to DC’s latest superhero film Blue Beetle
August 18, 2023
Sam Stone
Blue Beetle doesn't just have an upcoming movie - he's got an horchata-flavored coffee, as well
The Blue Beetle movie merchandise is here, and we're thirsty
July 27, 2023
Graeme McMillan
Blue Beetle can visit your comic book store, thanks to DC's movie tie-in standee
Retailers have the chance to bring Jaime Reyes into their store as part of a new promo push
May 25, 2023
Graeme McMillan