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She-Hulk & Daredevil? She would "hit that again" says Tatiana Maslany, and talks about chemistry with "total babe" Charlie Cox

Have the fireworks fizzled for Marvel’s legal superheroes She-Hulk and Daredevil? Hell no.

Daredevil and She-Hulk
Image credit: Marvel Studios

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It may not have been the greatest love story of the MCU, but sparks were flying when Daredevil and She-Hulk hooked up. The passionate hookup occurred in 2022 in the television series She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The brief connection was a surprise to many fans, especially since Jen Walters and Matt Murdock barely interacted in the comics.

(Trust me, I checked. It’s one of the best articles I’ve ever written.)

But is the affair over? Charlie Cox recently told fans he hopes it continues. Does She-Hulk actress Tatiana Maslany feel the same way?

During a spotlight panel at ACE Superhero Comic Con moderated by Sean Tajipour, Maslany was asked if her character was still hooking up with Matt Murdock. “Yes! I don’t know, what do you guys think? Do you think she is? I think she’s keeping her options open, but I think for sure that she would hit that again. He was also nice to her, which is hard. Not a lot of guys are very nice to her.”

Maslany also sang the praises of Daredevil actor Charlie Cox.

“That character, he brought him onto the show, which was a totally different tone. And he just adapted and played within this totally goofy world and was so funny and so present. A total babe. It was very easy to babe out on him.”

Matt Murdock will return in the television series Daredevil: Born Again, which premieres on Disney+ in March 2025. It’s hard to imagine Jen Walters visiting his world, but if Cox was able to fit in with the tone of her show, perhaps she can with his. Maybe we’ll see another booty call between Jen Walters and Matt Murdock. Don’t forget, superheroes need love too.

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